Thursday, February 6, 2014


As I sit here, sipping coffee (wanted hot chocolate but have none :( ) out of my late grandparents mug and listening to the rain as my little one sleeps, I am reminded of some life truths.  Rain is necessary, I am not just talking about for the earth, I am talking about rain in our lives.  Rain can be cold, dreary, lonely, and can make us depressed if we let it.  Rain can also, again, if we let it, cleanse our souls and breathe fresh life into hearts run dry.

Tears and sadness are the rain of lives. We cry when we are sad, we cry when we are hurt, or angry.  We cry in despair, loneliness and fear.  We cry too when we are happy, amazed, in awe.  Oh sure, we all prefer sunshine and roses (or whatever flower your prefer) but, like all seasons and emotions in life, rain is an essential part.  Flowers can't bloom without a healthy dose of rain, the same holds true for the flowers of joy in our lives.  We all need a good watering now and then.  Without it, we would get complacent, bored, and lose sight of what is important.

Too many days without rain and the earth dries up, leaving plants wilted, flowers listless, grass so dry the smallest spark would set it afire.  The same hold true of our hearts and souls.  Too many days without rain in our lives, leaves us wilted, dry, hardened, and apathetic.  We tend to get so used to things going well that we become indifferent and forget to be thankful.  We need the rain, if only to remind us that life is precious and to be thankful everyday for all that we have.

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