Wednesday, February 19, 2014


When does motherhood start?  Some say the birth of a baby is also the birth of a mother.  It is a lovely thought.  Some women don't feel like a mother until their child is a few months old, others don't feel like a mom to an older adopted child for a few years.  When does motherhood really start though?

You become a mother the day you either conceive a child, or find out you have been chosen to adopt a child.  I know, there are those that don't believe that a baby is it's own person until it is born, that until then, it is a parasite that can be killed any moment.  That breaks my heart.  When a life starts is not a matter of religion or personal belief, it is a matter of science, and science proves that life begins at conception.   You can argue that point and disagree, but the truth will always be the truth, no matter how much you disagree with it.

So, yes, you become a mother from the moment your precious little one is conceived.  Everything you do after that point, and especially after the moment you find out you are pregnant or adopting, reflects your heart as a mother.  If you are a good mom, you stop smoking if you were a smoker, you stop drinking coffee and alcohol, you become super cautious of what pain meds you take.  You start eating healthy, you stay as active as you can without risking harm to your unborn child.  You sing and read to your baby, you prepare a nursery or a space in your room for your little one to sleep.  You hope for your child, you dream for your child, you pray for your child.  Fo adoptive moms, we may not have the opportunity to read or sing to our child until they are placed in our arms, but we still hope for, dream about, and pray for our children.  Preparing our hearts and homes for the child we have waited for.

Motherhood is such a precious gift, it is a gift that too many take for granted.  Prepare your heart for your little one, or big one, making sure you are emotionally ready for the wonderfulness, and roughness, that raising a child entails.  And yes, it is tough to be a mom, no matter what age your child is when you welcome them home.  Motherhood will mean many nights of lost sleep, many days filled with tears and fears, many months of struggling, self-doubt, and mistakes.  It also means many years of love, joy, wonder, and new discoveries.  It means letting go of the little things and focusing on what matters, taking care of your child.  The moment you find out about your child is the moment motherhood starts, the moment all those joys and fears collide and you have to focus on taking care of you and your child.

Motherhood is a blessing, motherhood brings new meaning to life, motherhood is not for the weak.  Take heart, all you amazing moms, you are doing a great job and your child/children love you and know you to be the best mom in the world!  I know sometimes you feel like you are falling apart, that you worry you are messing things up every day.  I know being a mom is the hardest job in the world.  I also know that you are doing a fantastic job!  You are holding things together, often without really knowing how, and you are making life a beautiful experience for your babies.  You are rocking this incredible gift called Motherhood!

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